Ear Aesthetics – Otoplasty

Ear aesthetics (Otoplasty), popularly known as prominent ear surgery, is a surgical procedure performed to eliminate the appearance caused by the distance of the ear from the skull base and its angulation forward. Prominent ear surgery is a procedure performed to reshape the ear. Ear development is largely completed by the age of 6. Prominent ear surgery is generally preferred for school-age children to prevent them from being exposed to psychological and environmental factors (ridicule, loss of self-confidence).

Before the surgery, a detailed interview and examination is performed and the expectations are reported to the doctor and the surgery plan is made. Local anesthesia is normally sufficient for surgery, but general anesthesia can be applied in children and people who are anxious about surgery. The surgery starts with an incision behind the ear, the cartilage tissues are shaped, the angle between the skull base and the ear is adjusted and the incision behind the ear is closed with the help of stitches that do not need to be removed and the surgery is completed by dressing.

It is normal to have some swelling, mild pain and a feeling of tension for a few days after the surgery. After about a week, the dressing is removed and the surgical area can be washed. It is recommended to use a headband for a while to prevent the ear from curling during night sleep. After about a month, the incision scars disappear and the patient returns to his/her normal life.

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